President Desk & Headmistress Desk

From Headmistress desk

“Welcome to Jai Hind Primary where the seeds of curiosity are sown, and the harvest of excellence is reaped. Our sanctuary of learning is built upon the pillars of Honesty, Generosity, and Strength, the foundation upon which the architects of tomorrow are molded. We believe in igniting the spark of potential within every child, nurturing the flames of creativity, and illuminating the path to academic excellence.
In our vibrant tapestry of learning, every thread is woven with integrity, respect, and social responsibility, creating a kaleidoscope of global citizens who will paint the canvas of the future with colors of innovation and progress. Our inclusive ecosystem kindles the fire of imagination, fuels the passion for discovery, and empowers the dreamers of today to become the leaders of tomorrow.
At Jai Hind, we don’t just teach, we inspire. We don’t just educate, we empower. We don’t just learn, we grow. Together, let’s embark on this odyssey of knowledge, where the boundaries of possibilities are stretched, and the horizons of potential are expanded.”

From President desk

At Jai Hind, we ignite the spark of knowledge, fuelling a lifelong journey of discovery and growth. Inspired by Benjamin Franklin’s wisdom, we believe that investing in education yields the richest dividends. Since our inception, we’ve witnessed the transformative power of learning, as our students blossom into compassionate, creative, and courageous individuals. Our vibrant community is dedicated to nurturing young minds, fostering a culture of innovation, and kindling a passion for excellence. As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, we empower our students to become resilient, adaptable, and empathetic leaders, ready to leave their mark on the world. Our alumni return with hearts full of gratitude, testifying to the enduring impact of our shared journey. To our students, we offer a promise: may your time at Jai Hind be an odyssey of wonder, a symphony of laughter, and a tapestry of unforgettable memories. May you forever be the architects of your destiny, the masters of your fate, and the guardians of your dreams. I wish the very best to all the students


Kindness is at the heart of everything we do, what we promise, and who we are. Kindness is more than our most important core value.  It is our way of life and our greatest lesson for our children.
Wellness is a cornerstone of our programs.  We nurture physical, mental, and emotional well-being and build foundations for wellness for life.
We weave fun into everything we do.
Fun turns work into play.
Fun is the best path to learning.
Fun is essential to be happy.
Fun is fun!
We believe in continuous improvement and innovation. We will always take our best and make it better.