JR KG Admission Form 2025-26 JR. K.G. ADMISSION 2025 - 2026 ( * - Required Field ) Child Name As per AADHAR Card (CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY)* Child's Aadhar Number* Father's Name in Full* Father's Aadhar Card Number* Mother's Name in Full* Mother's Aadhar Card Number* Address with Pin code:* Email Id * Father's Occupation* Father's Mobile No.* Father's Annual Income* Father's Religion* Father's Caste* Father's Office Address* Mother's Occupation* Mother's Mobile No.* Mother's Annual Income* Mother's Religion* Mother's Caste* Mother's Office Address* Married* —Please choose an option—YesNo Divorced* —Please choose an option—YesNo Separated* —Please choose an option—YesNo Name of Legal Guardian* Father's Educational Qualifications* Mother's Educational Qualifications* Child's Religion* Child's Caste* Category* Child Date of Birth* Child's date of birth in words* Child’s Place of birth* Child’s Taluka of birth* Child’s District of birth* Child’s State of birth* Child’s Native Place* Child’s Blood Group* Child’s Height* Child’s Weight* Child’s Address of Native Place with Pin Code* Child’s Nationality* Child’s Mother Tongue* Mention the details of your other children if already studying in this school :* —Please choose an option—YesNo 1. Student Surname Student Name Student Father's Name Student Standard Student Division 2. Student Surname Student Name Student Father's Name Student Standard Student Division 3. Student Surname Student Name Student Father's Name Student Standard Student Division Emergency No’s. [Nearest relative] : 1. Name* Mobile Number* 2. Name* Mobile Number* Imp. Note: After Successfully Form submission, you can download Printed copy from "PRINT JR KG ADMISSION FORM" menu.